This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Monday, December 6, 2010

31 Day Reset: Day 1

Decided to do the 31 Day Reset from after my girl, lashon, told me about it. Her description sounded great so I looked into it and here goes!

1. 31 day journal - half check. I have this blog but I also want to journal in a notebook. Currently, I believe I'm out of notebooks in the crib. So, tomorrow, I'll get one. In the meantime, the blog will be fine.

2. Mantra - "I am NOT my circumstances. I am becoming my true self, moving beyond fear, to embrace the unknown with confidence knowing that, with God's help, 'I got this!'." - paraphrase from Your Circumstances DO NOT define you!! by Kipp Mastin on The Daily Love

I am very excited about this!