This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Okay, kids. It's time! We are finally joining a gym. I'm so excited. We are joining a YMCA in a suburb that has soooo much going on. A pool, exercise classes, yoga, soccer, dance classes. I am really looking forward to getting in shape. I want to get strong again, get my abs back and get my arms tight again. It's going to feel so good! I hope to chronicle my progress and review the classes. I'll be interested to see if the instructors are accomodating and if they offer modified moves for me in the more active classes.

To jumpstart things, I'm going to try to do something physical everyday. Drink more water. The idea of it is exciting. I just want to take better care of myself and feel better about my body. It's going to be fun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

uh-oh! The black girls' fitness plan! Drink more water, park further from the door. .. you go, girl! Have a blast at the Y!