This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Lone Soldier

Okay, my people. I found a better link to this poem. You have to see it! My commentary from the previous attempt is below:

There is a lot that I need to write and think about that I just can't get into right now. I'm just not able...but every once in a while, someone else will say my words or speak to my heart, speak my pain or bring clarity to a little of my confusion. So until I can say it or write it's this.


Anonymous said...

Man, i was all set to know the deep thangs of Deie... but the video is not available. Maybe you could find a replacement.

KeepUpDawg said...

Wow, that really sucks. I can't believe they deleted that video of all the videos. I will try to find another source or find the actual poem which is beautiful. Grrrr. Bad YouTube! Thanks for the heads up, Curtis.