This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Cabbage Soup: The Prequel

The economy, Lew's recent layoff, a Depression Era cook and my brother Kendal have inspired me to create hearty soups that contain inexpensive ingredients. I want to make soups that are healthy, lower-in-fat and full of vegetables.

I asked Lew to procure some particular soup ingredients on his last grocery trip. I'm pretty excited. The ingredients which I am currently considering are a head of cabbage, carrots, celery, chicken breasts, small potatoes, onion, corn, tomatoes, garlic, bell pepper, green beans and ground turkey. I'm considering either Italian or Cajun seasoning. I'll let you know how it goes and post the recipe later.

I've found several recipes on the web for inspiration and technique. These are the ones that really strike me:

Lower Fat Chicken Vegetable Soup by Pam Oliphant

Wedding Soup by SALLIEIS60

Country Cabbage Soup by Vicky Catullo

Fat-Free Vegetable Soup

Chicken and Sausage Stew by Diana Rattray

I also think that once I've developed a soup or stew, I'll be able to create a lot of different variations. Oh, the fun! I'll let you know what the guys say about it too. More to come!


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