This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Monday, January 22, 2007

I must think I'm funny

Lew will be amused by the title of the blog, that's for sure. Okay, so here is yet another attempt at blogging my world, life, family, etc. My cousin Angie keeps asking me when I'm going to do this so here I go...again. I will try to do this weekly. I will try to spew as much creativity as possible and I will try to enjoy myself. The last one is not usually an issue. We'll see how it goes. I also plan to post some old thoughts and blog entries from my previous attempts at this so stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

yeah, Deie!!!! you got your site up and running. Very cute. I'm honored to be quoted. . . but. . . I'm not on the blog roll. ;) boohoo, but i know you're just getting started. Congratulations on your launch. Don't worry about how often you post. Just write something when the mood strikes. I'll definitely be back.

love ya,

Anonymous said...

trying to post