This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Brand New, Old Love

Okay, somebody explain to me how I can be married for almost 5 years and feel like I just met him yesterday.
You know that fluttery, hot flushed feeling you get when you meet a new boy and you've got yourself a crush and a half?
That's me right now!
Its like I can't wait to see him and sit next to him and talk and hold hands.
I'm all silly and electric over the idea of the first kiss (of the day)!
Goodness, you'd think I was a teenager not a woman of almost 40.
You'd think we'd just met but I've known him for 18 years.
And here I am all giddy and listening to love songs at 3a.m. instead of sleeping.
Even funnier that he's in bed right now sleeping.
I'm supposed to be studying and filling out these pre-school forms but instead,
this morning
everything is new again and I can't concentrate because I'm in love.
I've got a crush on my husband.
Its invigorating.
Its exciting.
Its absolutely..."Give me some room, make sure you put away all incendiary devices, and don't drag your feet on the rug."
And to think that this was all triggered by the beautiful prayer he prayed for us
just before he went to sleep.
You get comfortable,
you get complacent,
you get a bit jaded sometimes
and then something beautiful happens and its like hitting the refresh button.
Can someone please explain to me what just happened?
On second thought, shut up, don't say a word.
I just want to enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. Welcome bak!

KeepUpDawg said...

Thanks, cousin!

C said...

"I've got a crush on my husband."

That was absolutely the best part. Marriage is hard and to make it work and feel this way is so amazing.