This is one of many attempts at blogging. You will likely find errors in spelling, structure, etc. It won't be perfect here. But it will be a place to share news and tips, to discuss and learn. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I hope to.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Juicing, Day 1

Sooo, I watched a movie called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and loved it. In it a very unhealthy, overweight man with an auto-immune disease decided to start juicing to detox, lose weight and get healthy. He went on a 60 day juice fast and traveled the U.S.A. sharing his story and his juice. He got super healthy, helped some other folks get healthy and now he has a website and endorsements. As I was watching it, it dawned on me that I had a juicer that I wasn't using. I purchased it last fall for $5 and it was sitting in my office doing nothing. At that point, I decided that I was going to juice.

Now it took me a few days the get going. I brought it home on Wednesday, after staff meeting, I went to the health food store (organic) and a produce mart tonight and I made my first juices. So cool!

First, I made the Mean Green Juice recipe from the movie. Here is the recipe:
6 Kale leaves
1 Cucumber
4 Celery stalks
2 Green apples
1/2 Lemon
1 piece of Ginger

I peeled the lemon before I juiced it, as instructed, and I totally forgot the cucumber. It was good. Neither my spouse or the Captain liked it and I didn't offer any to Sir. I will make this again tomorrow. Next, I offered to make a apple kiwi juice for Lewis. He accepted and the Captain suggested we include lemon and lime. So this is what we juiced:

2 apples (whatever was in the house)
1/2 lemon (organic from Sunrise Foods))
1 lime (Pete's Produce)
2 kiwi (also from Pete's)

We did that and the Captain loved it but Daddy thought it was a bit tart. So I tried it again with two apples and two kiwis. I couldn't taste the kiwi at all but the apple juice did not taste like store bought apple juice. It tasted just like apples. I thought that was really cool! I prefer that the store bought apple juice. Now the question is, how many kiwi do we need to juice to balance the apple flavor? I will try it again this weekend and let you know.

I'm really excited. I am not planning to go on a full juice fast but I am hoping that I can use juicing to fill me up so I don't eat as much junk and processed foods. I need to get drink container that seals so that I can make and take juice with me on my travels. I hope to chronicle what I am doing here to keep track of the recipes I use and the ones I create myself.

I look forward to doing this daily. Also wondering what to do with all the by product that I clean out of the juicer afterward. I wonder if it can be used for something? I'm looking that up now.

If you want more info on juicing, there is stuff all over the internet. I used, shout outs to them for having the Mean Green recipe and three other variations.

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