Hey, family and friends. Visit every once in a while so so you know what's going on in our world.
Monday, December 6, 2010
31 Day Reset: Day 1
Monday, November 22, 2010
Operation Sexy Mama 11/22/2010: Fitness Goals
- Get my new prosthesis before the new year.
- Start weight training consistently.
- Start exercise consistently. Get off the couch and get active.
- Dance more! - dance at home, dance with kids, dance at church and go out dancing.
- Weight 135 by March 2011 - evaluate and decide if I want to go for 125.
- Walk a 10K by next summer.
- Make walks part of my weekly routine and build endurance.
- Do fitness and charity walks throughout the Fall of 2011.
- Learn how to run again in 2011, since I became and amputee at age 17, I have never really done it consistently.
- Run a 5K before winter 2011? Sounds painful but I'd like to try.
- 125-135, muscular and athletic by October 27, 2011.
- Maintain this weight into 2012
Friday, November 19, 2010
Operation Sexy Mama 11/19/2010: My Trainer? - Part 3
This sounds good. Forgot to mention that I can do yoga & pilates on one leg. I'm guessing old school calisthenics would be okay too, right? Sit ups, push ups (hate them both), pull ups and the like? Will that help if I actually get my butt off the couch? I WANT MY ABS BACK!!! I am a bit of an acrobat since I've been this way for 23 years which means I can dance on crutches. But that could be too much on the knee so I'll save aerobics for when I get my new C-Leg.
I suck at eating so I better do make ahead food so it's easy. I will have to force myself to eat when I'm busy. Sad to put eating in my phone calendar to remind me but I will. That six meal thing sounds like a good challenge. I will start with part 1 and work my way up to part 2. I know that will be great if I get the hang of it. It will be an improvement because sometimes I eat nothing and you can't make milk out of air. I am supposed to be breastfeeding but I have supplement from formula for now. And of course by the time I'm starving, I eat crappy fast stuff and I have a headache. I will be a sooo much better off. My goal is to "do some kind of exercise" daily (suggestions?) and I have all of netflix at my disposal for that. Sadly, I have not managed yet. Ugh. Waaaah! In terms of counting calories, I can log my eating on the My Diet app on Facebook. It worked for my husband and I before. In fact, he was better at it then I was (Deirdre = Hater)!
Water, water, water. I'm almost finished with my 2nd liter. Gosh that was long. Next time we should inbox. Thanks sooo murch! Yes, murch."
Operation Sexy Mama 11/19/2010: My Trainer? - Part 2
Operation Sexy Mama 11/19/2010: My Trainer? - Part 1
" aww, did she? i'm sure it was humble, she's definitely not one to brag, haha. what'd she say? and how are you? it's legit been years since i've talked to you, i believe. also, i see you're on a diet? let me know if you need any help-- weightroom/physical training = my area of specialty!"
Operation Sexy Mama 11/18/2010
Operation Sexy Mama: I bet I'd drop that final 20 if I'd exercise. Sooo, not motivated. Thank God for the blessing of being an optical illusion . We are nearing month 3 & I am giving myself 18 months to get to the goal. Milk production + holidays = no dieting. Just trying to be healthy & strong. Gotta get back to the gym. Oh, the goal is to be under 140, look athletic & be ready to chase a toddler & do the occasional 5K.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Operation Complete, Day 1: Reading Theology
Last night, my mentor suggested that I go to the office each day and do something every morning until I get the work done. It sounded smart. Lew is working, the Captain is at school and Lance is usually sleep. No excuses really. Just fear of the mountain of work. But one day at a time sounds doable. So I agreed.
Today, I brought "The Responsibility of the Church for Society" by H. Richard Niebuhr, "Liberation and Reconciliation" by J. Deotis Roberts and "Pragmatic Spirituality" by Gayraud S. Wilmore today. I'm going to read and take notes and think. I brought more than one in case I get bored.
For support and encouragement. I sent a text to the Director of Ministry and I'm about to send a text to my mentor. I posted my books on Facebook. I'm beginning today. Very exciting and scary but I'll get it done.
Gonna post my ideas and thoughts here as I go along. It's nice to sit and work and occasionally look down at a cute little sleeping baby. Yey. Life is good. Here I go!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Hit 'em Up Style - Kid's Parties and other Gift Giving Occasions
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Hypnobirthing - 08/08/2010: Encouragement
- Kimberly Butters Dennis We did hypnobirthing for our second child and it was great! I felt much more in control, no meds, and my body did its thing all on its own. Didn't even have to bear down. My only words of caution are to make sure your doctor/midwife is on board. Our doctor said he was and then was a complete booger the day of delivery. Enjoy the classes too. Sooooooooo relaxing! Take care!Sunday at 2:50pm · ·
- Lillian M. Hemphill for those of us non-birthers out her ...what is hypnobirthing?Sunday at 4:38pm · ·
- Vania Alvarez I felt no pain until the nurse said that they were sorry it was taking so long for the pain EPI - until that point I thought I was on the meds, a second after she said that, the pain rushed through me. After they gave me the epi she popped out.Sunday at 11:03pm · ·
- Robin Dixon Roberts See Deie, It works! You already know my experiences - completely AWESOME!Yesterday at 8:09am · ·
- Robin Ross Deie, these are the comments and people you need to surround yourself with- all positive stories. I love it!!!Yesterday at 8:19am · ·
- Deirdre Jackson JonesYes, Robin Ross, ONLY positive stories from now until end of 4th Trimester! Anyone else will be escorted from the space.
Ladies, I really appreciate your encouragement & great stories!
Lil, Hypnobirthing is a great birthing method that helps...See MoreYesterday at 12:54pm · · - Lillian M. Hemphill I was there for Renaldo's birth. I was 9......I say skip the whole thing and settle for a dog :).
Not everyone is able....I know I ain't.16 hours ago · ·
10 Things I Want to Say to a Black Woman
Monday, July 12, 2010
Working on a Birth Plan: Orgasmic Birth and Other Awesome Stuff
- 2nd babies are usually faster but I am mentally preparing for 36 hours, just in case.
- Bag packed. Laptop loaded with songs.
- Speakers in bags.
- Battery operated fake candles packed.
- Lolo at Grandmommy's house.
- My friends have made food for me and frozen it.
- All early labor up to 5 minute contractions done at home.
- AJ/Dominique/Mendy doing Yoga with me during early labor.
- I eat food and drink beverages.
- I do some labor in the tub/shower.
- Lew and doula give me massages.
- I am free to walk and use exercise ball to get comfortable during contractions.
- I may even dance.
- I get lots hugs and kisses from Lew and my friends.
- Doula monitors my and baby's vitals.
- I head to the hospital at the 5 minutes apart stage.
- I send mom to the hotel to wait for my call.
- I bring all my stuff and we set up shop in an L&D room.
- NO intervention without serious discussion, statistical data, evidence based information about me (not most people) and a 2nd opinion. Yeah, I really want this VBAC.
- I have a few very positive friends stop by.
- Doula meets me at the hospital.
- The docs and nurses basically leave me the heck alone with minimum fetal monitoring and a Hep Lock.
- Labor advances at our pace.
- I am allowed to change positions during labor for comfort, relaxation and pain management.
- No drugs.
- No episiotomy. There are natural ways to protect the perineum.
- Baby is born and I get him right away, skin-to-skin, so I can increase the oxytocin for both of us and get the breast milk flowin'.
- Testing and baby care, in room.
- Private room for our stay.
- Lactation specialist consultation.
- Get out of there as soon as it's healthy and possible.
- Hide out for several weeks.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Nothing is Quite Perfect
Monday, February 8, 2010
12th Week - The Size of a Lime

How your baby's growing:
The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.
Surviving 12th Week
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Pregnancy Paranoia at 11 weeks.
11 weeks - The size of a fig

I love babycenter.com they send me links to articles about the weekly stages of this pregnancy. Make my life easier. Click to read what happens at 11 weeks.